Dan Abrahms
Providing easy access to suppliers for a stress-free customer experience sourcing Containers, Packaging, Custom Products & Services
I work with a team of industry specialists guiding customers to competitive sustainable solutions quickly. My team includes leading manufacturers and frequently pioneers in their respective fields. We stand out by understanding customer expectations, best practices and industry regulations.
Industrial containers for regulated and non-regulated materials, secondary containment, facility supplies, specialty products & fulfillment services.
Specialist in steel, corrugated, fiber, plastic, hybrid (composite) products.
Market research, competitive analysis, proposals that meet customer expectations.
Favorite pearl of wisdom:
The slightest pivot can make all the difference. Sometimes the hardest part is taking the first step.
Navigating the complexities of sourcing niche products seamlessly.
Trusted to step in at any time to move the ball forward.
Supplier Network
Innovative, responsive and creative.
Connecting clients quickly, moving requests to the front of the line.
Featured Suppliers (partial list)
Additional suppliers are introduced after review of requirements and opportunities to assist. Please connect below for details. Thank you!
Box Latch: For Picking, Packing, Filling, Stacking & Transporting Boxes.
See how Box Latch works